Business Intelligence Analyst Salary

The average salary for a Business Intelligence Analyst in the UK is:


Job profile for a Business Intelligence Analyst

Supporting and maintaining the DW/Business Objects environment, ensuring smooth performance Monitoring and validating the accuracy of data delivered to the business. Disaster Recovery planned and testing for the BO environment Performing data modeled and advising on optimal means for achieving user requirements. ? Training end users in the use of the Business Objects front end reporting tools ? Supporting end users in the creation of reports and ad hoc analysis. Developing and maintaining ETL jobs to automatically populate the data warehouse Designing, developing and maintaining all of the BO Universes Carrying out admin tasks in BO CMC such as User Creation, Group Definitions & Scheduling Developing in depth knowledge of the Prologic CIMS ERP system at both application and DB level Data Warehouse DB admin/house-keeping tasks as Tablespace Management, Indexing, Partitioning, Backup and Archiving & User Creation Managing and performing Data manipulation and Data Loading from the ERP system Generally managing DW/BI service delivery tasks and cover within the IT team Interfacing with the business and general ownership of DW/BI environment (reporting to IT Head)

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Business Intelligence Analyst Salary Comparison

In 2008, the average salary for this job was £30,000.

The average salary in 2009 was £28,700, based on 5 respondents (a difference of -4% from the 2008 figure.

The average salary in 2010 was £29,438, based on 8 respondents (a difference of 3% from the 2009 figure.

The average salary in 2011 was £39,000, based on 4 respondents (a difference of 32% from the 2010 figure.

The average salary in 2012 was £28,667, based on 3 respondents (a difference of -26% from the 2011 figure.

The median salary for a Business Intelligence Analyst based on all salary survey responses is: £30,000

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About the Salary Survey Data in this survey is based on over 368,000 individual salary records. The date period for which job information was gathered varies, but is usually between 2008 - 2012. For precise date related information, custom reports may be ordered with greater granularity. Working 8 hours a day, 250 days of the year, the data suggests the hourly rate for Business Intelligence Analyst is £15.52.

Assorted Business Intelligence Analyst Salary Information

Chart to the right shows ten most recent raw datapoints. Outlying points may be discarded.
Graph of Business Intelligence Analyst salary data

Business Intelligence Analyst Salary By UK Region

These figures use non-job specific statistical weighting from our salary data pool and also include for comparison the salaries for a Business Intelligence Analyst job in US Dollars based on a recent exchante rate (last rate update 02/05/2013 with a pound to dollar exchange rate 1.56) for comparisons for our international visitors
Salary US Dollars Region
£27318 $42616.08 North West
£33837 $52785.72 London
£24835 $38742.6 Yorkshire and North East
£27008 $42132.48 South West
£31975 $49881 South East
£26387 $41163.72 Scotland
£27939 $43584.84 Northern Ireland
£26077 $40680.12 Wales
£28870 $45037.2 Midlands
£25766 $40194.96 East of England

With regard to age and impact on salary for a Business Intelligence Analyst, a statistical average weighting (that is based on how salary varies by age and not for a specific job which may vary considerably) suggests these figures: £23,283 for a worker in their 20s, £30,423 (30s), £36,010 (40s) and £36,010 (50s).
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Information on using the salary data and granularity
The average salary figure above for a Business Intelligence Analyst is considered highly likely to be representative of the UK market average due to the high number of respondents who had this exact job title.

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