2008 Salary Data

Wondered what has happened to the average salary in 2008? Well, according to our data, this is how the picture currently looks.

Outlined below is a list of 25 popular jobs. We show you what the average income for these jobs was in the UK in February 2008, based on our ongoing salary survey, and what they are now. Data report compiled on: 17th November 2008. The data also shows the number of responses in the 'end 2008' figure. This does not include the top and bottom 5% of responses for each job title which were discarded and not taken into account in the results below. All figure are in pounds sterling (£).

Job TitleStart 08End 08ChangeSample size
Manager 38,079 38,264 +185 1382
Project Manager 39,436 41,836 +2400 944
Account Manager 27,514 30,540 +3026 439
Office Manager 23,254 24,783 +1529 369
Director 69,833 67,086 -2747 579
Consultant 49,382 45,739 -3643 554
Pa 26,168 27,091 +923 389
Administrator 16,994 18,341 +1347 481
Analyst 29,889 36,160 +6271 385
Secretary 20,999 20,522 -477 239
Business Analyst 35,751 39,739 +3988 337
Operations Manager 34,070 38,456 +4386 295
Accountant 30,879 33,675 +2796 515
Buyer 26,308 30,010 +3702 198
It Manager 38,944 37,910 -1034 258
Hr Manager 31,227 35,567 +4340 159
Engineer 33,407 36,875 +3468 356
Managing Director 85,728 73,411 -12317 273
Graphic Designer 20,997 23,694 +2697 205
Personal Assistant 21,593 25,674 +4081 256
Marketing Manager 33,935 42,439 +8504 254
Receptionist 16,340 16,977 +637 192
Finance Manager 39,787 38,512 -1275 166
Sales Manager 41,417 42,350 +933 291
Management Accountant 30,264 30,469 +205 148