Senior Consultant Salary

The average salary for a Senior Consultant in the UK is:


Job profile for a Senior Consultant

Identifying and accelerating business growth through research and cold calling Negotiating fees in line with company’s Terms of Business Key account management Making speculative sales calls to clients, pro-actively marketing candidates Providing a professional and reliable service to encourage repeat business Resourcing candidates from job sites and placing job adverts on internet job-boards Screening candidates to ascertain suitability by conducting telephone and face to face interviews Short-listing and interviewing candidates for roles such as basic admin through to senior management and CEO level Organising interviews Providing interview feedback Preparing candidates for interviews Providing clients with in-depth candidate info (CV and profile) prior to interviewing; in a timely manner Administration duties including; Reference checking, identification and national insurance checks, verification of qualifications, in-putting wages and dealing with timesheet queries Producing managerial performance/finance related reports

A consultant is a catch-all term fro someone who comes in and advises a business on a specific process or runs a particular project usually looking at one part of a business. For instance it could be how to streamline a sales process, how to improve margins, how to create a new product that beats the competition or simply looking at existing processes and recommending improvements and new efficiencies.

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Senior Consultant Salary Comparison

In 2008, the average salary for this job was £45,040.

The average salary in 2009 was £48,992, based on 123 respondents (a difference of 9% from the 2008 figure.

The average salary in 2010 was £45,512, based on 173 respondents (a difference of -8% from the 2009 figure.

The average salary in 2011 was £45,797, based on 118 respondents (a difference of 1% from the 2010 figure.

The average salary in 2012 was £45,447, based on 57 respondents (a difference of -1% from the 2011 figure.

The median salary for a Senior Consultant based on all salary survey responses is: £45,000

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About the Salary Survey Data in this survey is based on over 368,000 individual salary records. The date period for which job information was gathered varies, but is usually between 2008 - 2012. For precise date related information, custom reports may be ordered with greater granularity. Working 8 hours a day, 250 days of the year, the data suggests the hourly rate for Senior Consultant is £23.6.

Assorted Senior Consultant Salary Information

£60,000East of England5-February-23
Chart to the right shows ten most recent raw datapoints. Outlying points may be discarded.
Graph of Senior Consultant salary data

Senior Consultant Salary By UK Region

£45,600South East
£47,713East of England
£41,809South West
£33,720Yorkshire and North East
£36,400North West

With regard to age and impact on salary for a Senior Consultant, a statistical average weighting (that is based on how salary varies by age and not for a specific job which may vary considerably) suggests these figures: £35,401 for a worker in their 20s, £46,257 (30s), £54,754 (40s) and £54,754 (50s).
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Information on using the salary data and granularity
The average salary figure above for a Senior Consultant is considered highly likely to be representative of the UK market average due to the high number of respondents who had this exact job title.

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