Temporary Works Coordinator Salary

The average salary for a Temporary Works Coordinator in the UK is:


Job profile for a Temporary Works Coordinator

TEMPORARY WORKS COORDINATOR Appointment of the temporary works co-ordinator T he appointment of a temporary works co-ordinator (TWC) Should be the first operation in a chain of events culminating in The construction of a temporary works scheme. The TWC should Be appointed by the designated individual of the main or principal Contractor I t is essential for the TWC to be competent and to have relevant Up-to-date training and both the qualifications and the experience Appropriate to the complexity of the project. The appointment of the TWC should be made known to all concerned. Responsibilities of the temporary works co-ordinator 1. T he TWC should be the first point of contact between the Designer and the site team, in all instances. 2. T he TWC should be responsible to the designated individual for ensuring the temporary works design is implemented 3. In accordance with the drawings and specification. It is preferable That the TWC is not responsible for the day to day progress of the Temporary works under consideration. However, on small projects that have a small number of engineering staff, this might not be possible. If the TWC has dual responsibility for progress and for checking the Temporary works, it is essential that his decisions on the acceptability Of the temporary works are based on safety and not on achieving the Construction programmed. If the TWC considers that he is under undue pressure from the site manager to achieve production, and then he should be able to seek assistance from the designated individual 4. T he TWC should be responsible for ensuring that the organization’s procedure for the control of temporary works is implemented on site. 5. I t is important that the appointment gives the TWC adequate authority to carry out his tasks including authority to stop the work if it is not being carried out satisfactorily. 6. The TWC should be responsible for the provision of formal permission to load, which when signed? would certify that all appropriate steps had been taken. 7. The TWC should not permit erection to continue beyond any critical stage until it is to the standard specified. 8. The TWC should ensure that once the temporary works has been checked and passed, it is not altered until the loading stage has been completed, and the design allows for it to be dismantled or altered. In the case of complex construction it might be advisable for those checking critical individual items to sign when each of those particular parts of the work is to their satisfaction. 9. To ensure the independence of checks, if any of the tasks requiring checking have been carried out by the TWC, the TWC should delegate the checking to another individual. 10. Co-ordinate all temporary works activities; 11. Ensure that the various responsibilities have been allocated and accepted; 12 Ensure that a design brief is prepared with full consultation, is adequate, and is in accordance with the actual situation on site; 13. Ensure that any residual risks, identified at the design stage, assumed methods of construction or loading constraints identified by the designer of the permanent works are included in the design brief; 14 .Ensure that a satisfactory temporary works design is carried out; 15. Ensure that a design check is carried out in accordance with this should include checking for: 1) concept; 2) structural adequacy; 3) compliance with the brief; 16. Where appropriate, ensure that the design is made available to other interested parties, e.g. the CDM co-ordinator or the designer of the permanent works; 17. Register or record the drawings, calculations and other relevant documents relating to the final design; 18. Ensure that those responsible for on-site supervision receive full details of the design, including any limitations and guidance notes associated with it and prepare a specific method statement; 19. Ensure that checks are made at appropriate stages. 20. Ensure that any proposed changes in materials or construction are Checked against the original design and appropriate action taken; 21. Ensure that any agreed changes, or corrections of faults, are Correctly carried out on site; 22. Ensure that during use of the temporary works all appropriate Maintenance is carried out; After a final check, issue formal permission to load/bring into use If this check proves satisfactory; 23. When it has been confirmed that the permanent structure has Attained adequate strength, issue formal permission to dismantle The temporary works and specify any relevant sequence; 24. Ensure that the temporary works is dismantled in accordance with A defined procedure.

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Temporary Works Coordinator Salary Comparison

In 2008, the average salary for this job was £24,000.

The average salary in 2012 was £26,000, based on 2 respondents (a difference of 0% from the 2011 figure.

The median salary for a Temporary Works Coordinator based on all salary survey responses is: £26,000

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About the Salary Survey Data in this survey is based on over 368,000 individual salary records. The date period for which job information was gathered varies, but is usually between 2008 - 2012. For precise date related information, custom reports may be ordered with greater granularity. Working 8 hours a day, 250 days of the year, the data suggests the hourly rate for Temporary Works Coordinator is £13.

Temporary Works Coordinator Salary By UK Region

These figures use non-job specific statistical weighting from our salary data pool and also include for comparison the salaries for a Temporary Works Coordinator job in US Dollars based on a recent exchante rate (last rate update 02/05/2013 with a pound to dollar exchange rate 1.56) for comparisons for our international visitors
Salary US Dollars Region
£22880 $35692.8 North West
£28341 $44211.96 London
£20800 $32448 Yorkshire and North East
£22620 $35287.2 South West
£26780 $41776.8 South East
£22100 $34476 Scotland
£23400 $36504 Northern Ireland
£21840 $34070.4 Wales
£24180 $37720.8 Midlands
£21580 $33664.8 East of England

With regard to age and impact on salary for a Temporary Works Coordinator, a statistical average weighting (that is based on how salary varies by age and not for a specific job which may vary considerably) suggests these figures: £19,500 for a worker in their 20s, £25,480 (30s), £30,160 (40s) and £30,160 (50s).
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The average salary figure above for a Temporary Works Coordinator is considered to not necessarily be representative across the whole UK market as it is based on less than five respondents with this job title.

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