Management Skills

Many people in business find that they are quite adept at their particular role, and in a short number of years find themselves promoted.

Inevitably, after a few promotions you are likely to be responsible for other staff - in other words, you have become a Manager. Some people are natural managers, whilst for others it is all a bit daunting and for one reason or another, their skills are poor. This can hinder them from doing their normal job and stint their progression up the career ladder.

If you are a manager, what skills can you develop and how should you manager the relationships with those that report into you?

The key is to always be available - the greatest and most important gift to give as a manager is your time. There is nothing more frustrating than having a boss who is never available. Not only will the staff probably not produce the work you want, they will get frustrated with you into the bargain. However, if you take the time to talk regularly with your staff you will foster good relationships and be able to share your vision.

Try to inspire your staff - therefore do not talk in terms of having to get things done but rather talk about pride and passion and remember to reward them when they do a good job - simple things such as thanking them and saying what a great job they have done will make all the difference to them.

Overall, being a good boss is about clear communication and ensuring that both parties understand what is expected of them. Therefore consider having a weekly meeting with each member of staff to discuss what happened the week before, and to plan the work for the week ahead. This gives both of you clarity about what is being done and helps set expectations.

Being a good boss is a learning experience, and you will develop over time. Never however treat your staff as sub-ordinates or try to lord your power over them or use it to your advantage.