Executive Job Search

At the top end of the market - the executive job - things tend to work a little differently.

For a start, many jobs are taken through unadvertised vacancies, and also there are often more specific and focussed recruitment agencies used to appoint people and find candidates, often called head hunters. Their job is to seek the cream of the crop and top perceived talent for a job.

If you can secure an executive level job, then the trappings can be very attractive: high pension, salary and share options: in short, a lot of money can result from getting an executive job.

How to get an Executive Level Job

If you want an executive level job, there are several things that you need to do. The first of course is to have an excellent quality CV and to achieved the suitable level of expertise and qualifications in your field before applying.

You then need to develop an extensive network with people at the level of influence in your target companies. Couple this with approaching executive level recruitment agencies to see if you can get high level interviews through head hunting.

You then need some executive coaching to give you the best chance of excellent performance at interview. Executive interviews are often long and protracted with several tests, and therefore you need superb interview technique and preparation to get an executive level job. Take a look at Reach For Jobs for information and help on executive job hunting.