What is financial planning?

Financial planning relates to the process of looking at your finances and working on them and developing strategies that respond to each possible event in your life.

Of course, life is never predictable, at least in the main.

However there are decisions that we will probably know about in advance like retirement, and therefore this is something that we can plan for.

However, some things might not be expected without too much warning, for instance the surprise news there will be an addition to the family which you have less than a year to get used to, or the death of a relative.

Whatever the event, it can help to plan your finances accordingly so that you are able to respond to anything that happens and don't need to worry, at least in the financial sense.

Things that you might like to plan for financially include the following:

- children
- retirement
- family protection
- your estate, taxation and so forth
- planning investments
- if you run a business, you might need financial planning for that too

So there is a large range of things that you might need to plan for financially, and doing so early means that you are as placed as you can be to respond to anything that happens down the line.

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