Teaching and Education: Salary Information

This Teaching and Education average salary figure is based on the information averaged across jobs, sectors and locations in Teaching and Education from the My Salary database.

Note that with most industries there is a large gradation in salary across the range of jobs and experience levels. Therefore this Teaching and Education salary data is best used comparatively across sectors rather than for your job specifically.

For Teaching and Education salary data based on region and sub-sector, please view the My Salary Calculator tool

Average salary figure for Teaching and Education: £30,110.

Job titles containing the word 'teaching':

Cover Teaching Assistant
Director Of Teaching And LEarning
High Level Teaching Assistant
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Higher Teaching Learning Assistant
IT Technician (Teaching And Learning)
Level 3 Teaching Assistant
Senior Teaching Assistant
Specialist Teaching Assistant
Teaching Assistant
Teaching Associate
Teaching Consultant
Teaching Fellow
Teaching Hairdressing
Teaching Programme Administrative Assistant
Teaching Technician