Earning whilst at university

The obvious option, as outlined in another article, is to undertake part time work in the form of bar, shop assistant or restaurant work. This is part time, there is usually plenty of it around, and it should offer enough flexibility that your studies do not suffer.

However, consider that there are also other options out there so you don't need to just go round from shop to shop asking for work.

One obvious example is to use the internet as your friend and earn a little cash in the process.

For instance, you could set up a small ebay shop and sell all your junk, or if you have a keen eye for a bargain even spend a few hours sourcing good quality items then selling them on at a profit. The aim is not to make a fortune but to make enough that will compare with working a couple of weekly shifts at the pub, but it's more fun as you do what you want and when you want to do it.

You could also consider things like offering your services as a tutor for students at around GCSE or if you feel confident enough of remembering it all at A-level. This can make a nice little income particularly in subjects such as maths where many parents are willing to pay for lessons.

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