What to do after an interview

After you have had your interview, what should you do?

Well the first stage is to log straight away in your application process the date you had the interview, who it was with and what structure it took (for instance one interview of an hour, or perhaps two interviews of 30 minutes), and if there was any additional testing, eg a maths test or multiple choice psychametric test for instance.

Once you have noted all this down, then you should start a separate spreadsheet and here you should list as many of the questions that you were asked as possible.

Try to do this straight after the interview, or as soon after as you can, whilst it is all fresh in your mind. This is very useful as for later interviews being able to review the questions and prepare better answers can be the difference between getting a job offer and not.

For each question, write down the key points of the answer you gave, and then in a separate column sketch out the key points of what you think would be a model answer.

After attending several interviews in this way you start to build up a really useful databank of questions and your suggested answers.

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