Using your University Careers Service

Every university will have some sort of careers service. Strangely, though, many people never visit their careers service or get involved with it at all.

This is a pity because the people that work in these places often build up a real wealth of knowledge and skills, and is one of the few times in life that you can get quality advice for free.

Admittedly the quality and comprehensiveness varies from university to university, but in general these services can be invaluable.

You should ensure that you ask for a mock interview first of all, to find out any obvious issues with your interview technique and get you up to speed with the process.

Most career services will offer a free review meeting where you sit down, discuss your interests and your strengths and weaknesses and then the service will suggest possible career paths to you.

Whilst some of these will be obvious, there may be some surprises and careers thrown up that you know little about. They can also offer general guidance on how to apply and present yourself for the best chances of success in the increasingly competitive graduate jobs market.

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