How to get better banking facilities for free

If you have a current account with a banking provider and also one or two other products, then chances are you could be missing a trick!

That's because many banks reward loyalty by offering nice perks and extras for free to those who ask for them and meet certain requirements.

If you have say savings or a mortgage with a bank and either is at a reasonable level, then probably there will be an account you can upgrade to with perks for free.

These are often called platinum of gold accounts or similar, anything with a precious metal or gemstone that will make it sound just a little bit more glamorous to you.

For instance, it might be that you have a savings of say £5,000 and also a home insurance policy with a bank. If so ask them about their upgraded account and whether you are eligible. If not ask what the entry requirements are if they have such an account at all.

Often you will get really useful benefits!

These might include better rates of interest on an overdraft for instance.

Or perhaps you will get a fee free overdraft of some sort.

Other possibilities would include things like express cheques and same day payments which can be really useful at the times when you really need them.

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