Buildings Insurance

When taking out buildings insurance, remember that not all schemes are built equal.

You need peace of mind from your insurance, so make sure you really have it by checking up front that you are covered for anything that concerns you and up to an acceptable level of cost for you... if your property is worth a million and the policy only covers up to £100k of damage then clearly it might not be very useful for you.

Companies and banks will also tend to offer different levels of buildings insurance that at, increased cost of course, will pay out on a larger range of things for instance more and more accidental type damange.

Things to check when looking at your home insurance policy include the following:

- does it cover me against accidental damage to underground pipes and cables and tanks?

- Damage to the property by emergency services?

- Damage to glass and windows?

- Will it give alternative accommodation during times of repair?

The above being accidental, damage of course.

Once you have worked out what you want in a policy the hard work begins of checking out all the providers and seeing exactly what they offer.

Buildings insurance is one product where you should not rush as you can often get exactly the same cover for radically different costs from different places.

And also beware of renewing automatically with one provider if the costs suddenly leap up - rather, think about switching and even just mentioning that will result in your current provider lowering the costs in order to keep your business.

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