Questions to ask a Contents Insurance Policy Provider

Contents insurance is quite a competitive area, but you can't just assume that what you get with one provider will be the same elsewhere, as it acutally varies to a very considerable amount from one provider of contents insurance to the next.

So here are the sorts of questions that you should ask when you are taking out a policy so you can be sure to compare like with like and so that you know exactly what you are getting from each policy.

This is important so you can find out which offers the best level of cover for you at the best price - there is no point saving a pound a month if the total sum insured is less than what you would need in case of a large burglary for instance, so don't penny pinch if the policy doesn't cover what you want.

Here are some elements to consider:

- is accidental damage covered (e.g. you knock the TV over and it breaks or similar, or you smash an expensive mirror)

- what about damage to contents when being moved by professional furniture removers - this happens all the time and so is an important question to ask even if it seems minor

- what about jewellery and antiques, or more specifically up to what sum are these insured (it might typically be around £10k for the average home)

- and what amount of accommodation allowance will be paid if you need to stay elsewhere temporarily

- money in the home: if you stockpile thousands in cash and it gets taken don't assume that you will be covered for this. Most policies these days have a limit against this risky practice and say that money will only be covered to a very low amount, for instance say a few hundred pounds - so if you keep cash at home then check carefully on the policy

- also if you are a chef or something and have really expensive ingredients like loads of caviar in your fridge at home check what level of cover there is here - often its a few hundred pounds

- there is also the garden to consider, if you have a large garden with expensive contents then you will need to think about cover here; particularly those who keep things like koi carp you will need to look in detail here and potentially discuss with those who provide policies.

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